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Create a live events platform that content creators and audiences love

Mux is a powerful API-first video streaming platform that makes building live streaming easy for any development team.

Live event platforms that trust Mux:
atomic live

Video made easy

With clean documentation and straightforward onboarding, you don’t have to be a video expert to build live streaming into your web or native applications.

Focus on differentiation, not video infrastructure

We provide battle-tested live video infrastructure that won’t get in the way so you can spend more time building unique experiences around and on top of your video.

Flexible for any business model

Video infrastructure shouldn’t be a blocker to monetizing however you want. Give your customers the freedom to add digital tickets, merchandising, or anything else they want to support their event.

Broadcast to your favorite social media platform

Broadcast live events to other platforms with Live Simulcasting. We make it easy to restream to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and more.

Live video, in seconds

Use the Mux Video API to connect your streamers with your video players.

	"playback_policy": "public",
	"new_asset_settings": {
	  "playback_policy": "public"

Step 1
Create a stream key

The Live Stream object in the Mux API is a record of a live stream of video that will be pushed to Mux. To create your first Live Stream, send a POST request to the /live-streams endpoint.

API Response body
	"data": {
	  "stream_key": "your-secret-stream-key",
	  "status": "idle",
	  "reconnect_window": 60,
	  "playback_ids": [{
		"policy": "public",
		"id": "your-public-playback-id"
	  "new_asset_settings": {
		"playback_policies": [
	  "id": "your-live-stream-id",
	  "created_at": "1589547489"

Step 2
Broadcast to Mux.

Mux supports live streaming using the RTMP protocol, which is supported by most broadcast software/hardware as well as open-source software for mobile applications.

Sample Playback ID{PLAYBACK_ID}.m3u8

Step 3
Stream it anywhere.

Add the Playback ID to Mux instantly creates the right renditions for every device and bandwidth, resulting in lower costs and better viewer experiences.

Scale you don’t have to think about

Our infrastructure scales to handle thousands of concurrent live streamers and millions of viewers. You’ll never have to worry about spinning up additional servers when your event sells out.

Works with all major video players

Rather than require you to use a proprietary player, we made it easy to integrate with any video player you prefer. Don’t have a video player yet? Having built the leading open source web player, we can help you pick the right player for your app.

Monitor the performance of live streams in real time

Our meticulously designed metrics and powerful filtering tools help you see what your users are experiencing, around the world and across devices.

They said it best
To get into live streaming, there’s stress around getting something up: figuring out what your production is, what’s the content, and then all these other added layers to it. I think what we, in partnership with Mux, do is alleviate that fear on the way in. When you're in that stressful environment you just want something that is trustworthy, scalable, and reliable.
Ari Evans
Founder & CEO
They said it best
From the engineering side, one of the largest challenges that we have prepared for is the thundering herd problem where a live stream with a very popular artist could easily bring a couple million users to our site, all at the same time. This is probably the best part about not having to worry about our video streaming pipeline by using Mux.
Jason Mattiace
Co-founder & CTO

No credit card required to start using Mux.